[This is an independent article about Premonition, written by Oxbow Partners, where they believe that “every claims manager in the US should look into Premonition” because “it’s a tool which could save insurers millions“]
Premonition predicts the outcome of court cases and allows parties to determine their strategy.
This is a simple but interesting business. The company has built a database of litigation data and outcomes by aggregating various legal datasets like online court room records. The database can be interrogated for two main purposes:
Parties can then determine their case strategy. For example:
Toby Unwin, Co-Founder, showed us some interesting data. For example, in certain types of litigation, the most frequently hired lawyer is not necessarily the one who wins most cases. There were also some interesting skews in certain lawyer-judge combinations.
Data is richest for the US where more court data is released earlier. Toby is keen to move his product further into insurance.
“Every claims manager in the US should look into Premonition. We have based this profile on an interview rather than due diligence of the business, but if the correlations that Toby highlights are as powerful as he claims (and therefore predictive), and if these correlations are applicable for a broad range of litigation, then this is a tool which could save insurers millions of dollars.”
Premonition – Oxbow Partners PDF