Premonition Big Data Analytics

Makes the


Artificial Intelligence is the catalyst behind trial results, uncovers hidden knowledge, supports the decision making of professionals daily. We fastidiously protect our clients’ confidentiality.

These are some of the stories we can talk about.

July 30, 2019
Nu Claims Covering the Business of Loss Cover

NU Claims: InsurTech’s Impact on Claims

No one wants a claim to go to litigation, but as insurers know, it happens all too often. Premonition offers new tools that provide insight for claims...
June 13, 2019

AI In Law Use Case #1: Premonition

In this interview, Disruptor Daily speaks with Guy Kurlandski, CEO of Premonition, to understand how his company is using AI to transform the legal industry, and what the future of law holds.
June 12, 2019
Insurance Research Letter June

Insurance Research Letter June Issue: LitigationScanâ„¢ Offers Insurers Decisive Court Advantage

In just a few short years, big data and analytics have fundamentally shifted the way claims departments litigate claims. How are these technologies changing how experts assess risk in the courtroom?
May 14, 2019
Insurance Research Letter, the New Normal in Claims Management

The New Normal in Claims Management

In just a few short years, big data and analytics have fundamentally shifted the way claims departments litigate claims. How are these technologies changing how experts assess risk in the courtroom?
November 8, 2018

Premonition AI’s New LitigationScan™ Offers Insurers Decisive Court Advantage

Only with the recent rise of legal analytics has it become possible to truly see which lawyers generate real return on investment for their clients.
March 20, 2018

ISO Claims Partners Integrate Premonition Analytics to Improve Claim Litigation Outcomes

ISO Claims Partners has announced the integration of Premonition data and legal analytics into its suite of services.
March 1, 2018

The Cognitive Legal Challenge During the Global Legal Hackathon Elevated With Premonition Data

Lawyers crowd-sourced the creation of new legal AI applications capable of reasoning through use of IBM's Watson Knowledge Studio and Premonition AI, the world's largest litigation database.
February 22, 2018

When 80 Insurance CEO’s Learned a Secret…

A poll of insurance company CEOs finds 96 percent agree that choosing lawyers based on win rate by case type and judge is superior to other […]
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